News & Events
Donors and Sponsors
Nick & Lee Auto Body Repair Inc. | Guy and Joanne Alonge |
Accu Care Home Health Services Inc. | Corrine Archambeault |
Airosmith Development | Douglass and Janet Bailey |
Albany & Troy Lions Club | Alicia Baker |
Albany's Golden Cue Billiard Lounge & Sports Pub | John & Paulette Baniak |
AmazonSmile Foundation | Monice Barbero |
Ambient Environmental Inc | Michael Barrett & Ruth Walters |
American Clothing Recycling Co., Inc. | Elizabeth Bartley |
Barber's Farm | Patricia Bayly |
Barclay Damon | K Beattie |
Barrett Associates | Mark Bisaillon |
Bartel Communications Inc. | Larry Blankenberger |
Bella Napoli | Bonny Boice |
Best Cleaners | Louis Bonelli |
Big 5 School Districts | David and Joanne Bonesteel |
Book House of Albany | J. Michael Boxley |
Brown & Weinraub PLLC | Jane Brennan |
BST & Co., CPAs, LLP | Deirdre Brodie |
Callanan Industries, Inc | M Tracey Brooks |
CAP COM Cares Foundation | Michele Brumsey |
Cap Com Federal Credit Union | Thomas and Donna Buckley |
Capital District Insurance Community, Inc. | Robert Bruno |
Capital Financial Planning LLC | Kathleen Caggiano-Siino |
Carol's Place | Nancy Cardish |
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany | Mary Beth Carman |
CDPHP | Karen Carpenter-Palumbo |
Center for Solutions | Madelyn Carroll |
CFO for Hire, LLC | Corey and Valerie Catlin |
Clement Frame Shop and Art Gallery | Carla Chiaro |
Coca-Cola Refreshments | Christine and Douglas Childrose |
Colonie Center | Melissa and Brian Clement |
Colonie Women's Club | James Cobbins |
Crisafulli Brothers | Adriel and Justine Colon |
D. Brickman Produce | Lauren Conway |
Doane Stuart | Joseph and Elizabeth Crandall |
Dunkin Donuts | Nancy Davis |
Dzembo's Dairy | Christina Dell |
E. Enterprises | Frank Dembo |
Energy Partner Consultants | Donna Demers O'Connell |
Enterprise Fleet Management | Deborah Demers |
Evangelical Lutheran Church | Patti DeVito |
Evangelical Lutheran Church Ladies Aid Society | Christine and Dary Di Maio |
Farnsworth Middle School | Laura Dillon |
Fidelity Charitable GiftFund | Chris DiNapoli |
Finch Paper LLC | Lindsey Donovan |
G. Willikers Toys and Games | Robin Doptis |
Grethen Cahrenger Memorials | Maria Dunning |
GTM Payroll Services Inc | Darren Durr |
Hannaford | Lori Eason |
Hannaford Distribution Center | Candace and David Ellis |
Hannaford Helps Schools Program | Craig and Phyllis Eustace |
Hannaford Supermarkets | William Fagan |
Hoffman Car Wash Jiffy Lube | Robert Falk |
Hope House, Inc | James Faranda |
Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation | David and Diane Fazioli |
John Ray & Sons | John and Carol Ferlazzo |
Joseph P. Mangione, Inc | Madeline Fiorino |
June's Beauty Salon, LLC | Lori and Mark Foradori |
Kinderhook Bank | Lillian Foss |
Knit Knuts | Albert Freihofer |
La Salle Institute | Elizabeth Gable |
LaBella's Pizza and Restaurant | Mary Gaylord |
Lakeview Inn on Crystal Lake, Inc. | Sue and Glenn Godell |
LaSalle School | Becki Gould |
Long Energy | Christopher Greagan |
Make It Out Apparel | Kevin Greene |
Marvin and Company PC | Patricia Hinkle |
Massry Charitable Foundation Inc Endowment | Zhiying Hou |
Mohawk Honda | Kirk Huang |
Morgan Stanley | Liya Huang |
New York Football Giants | Holly Hughes |
New York Jets | Patrick Hughes |
Noppers Collision | Florence and David Hunn |
North Greenbush Memorial Post #1489 | Robert Hunn |
North Greenbush Youth Make a Difference Inc | Michael & Brenda Iwaneczko |
Northeast Health Foundation | Matthew Jachym |
Nothing Bundt Cakes | Joanne Jenkins |
Omni Development Company, Inc | H.S. and Marilyn Kaltenborn, Jr |
OrgStaffing Solutions LLC | Virginia Kane-Calvert |
PayPal Giving Fund | Garry and Josephine Kearns |
Philly and Charlie Dake Fund of the Cornell University Foundation | John Keeler |
Pinnacle Human Resources LLC | Georgia Kelly |
Pioneer Bank | Debbie Kiska |
Price Chopper Market 32 | William and Audrey Koester |
Price Chopper's Golub Foundation | Debbie Lajeunesse |
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc | Eleanor LaViolette |
Renaissance Corporation of Albany | Debbie Leapold |
Rensselear County Regional Chamber of Commerce | Meeli Leith |
Repeat Business Systems | Peter Libertucci |
Rifenburg Construction, Inc | Keith and Andrea Lints |
Rivers Asset Recovery | Mary Lou Longley |
Robert Half | Jill Sandhaas and Ed Lurie |
Rose & Kiernan, Inc | Judith and Robert MacChesney |
Sano Rubin | Paul and Karen Macielak |
Saratoga Restaurant Equipment Sales | Patrick Madden |
Schodack Excavating | Linda Madsen |
SEFCU | Tracy Madsen |
Shield Maidens Riding Club | Beth Manchester |
Spiral Designs | Diana Manfred |
St. Jude the Apostle Rosary & Altar Society | Linda & Gordon Mappes |
Sterling Environmental Engineering PC | Sandy Mardigian |
Stewart's Shops | Diane Martin |
SWM Enterprises | Charles Mason |
Sysco Albany | George and Ann McAvoy |
Taconic | Stan & Doran McDannold |
Tangora Technologies | Kevin McGrath |
The Connors Agency, LLC | Sharon McKittrick-Fink |
The Junior League of Troy | Mary Ellen McLean |
The Louis Weinberg Foundation, Inc. | Sydney Melsom |
The M&T Charitable Foundation | Peter and Tami Miller |
The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum | Osvanna and Mihran Mooradian |
The Robison Family Foundation | Mary Lou Morigerato |
The Silver Parrot | Dr. John Morley |
TL Metzger & Associates LLC | Kelly Mullen |
Together We Rise | Melinda Myers-Kellegher |
Uncle Sam Lanes | Lisa Nappi |
Ungerman Electric Inc | Leslie Neira |
Warren W Fane Inc | Benita and Stephen Oliver |
Wiley A. Wiley Land Surveyor | Mary Ellen Pace |
Wilmington Trust | Stephanie Pelletier |
Wm. J. Fagan & Sons | T Pentak |
Yonder Farms | Ambrose and Robin Peters |
Zachary's Pastry Shoppe | Elaine Phelan |
Zema's Nursery | Samantha Phillips |
Erica Pickhardt | |
John and Catherine Piombino | |
Debra Ann Pollard | |
Judy Powers | |
Jennifer Price | |
Maura Psoinos | |
Dale and Craig Raisig | |
Nancy Rider | |
Randy and Sharon Rivet | |
Robert Rosencrans | |
Trish Rost | |
Patrick and Amy Russo | |
Theresa Russo | |
John Ryan | |
Mary Frances Sabo | |
Jennifer and Brian Sampson | |
William and Betty Schreiner | |
Lily Seney | |
Toros Shamlian | |
William Shannon | |
Daniel and Anastasia Simmons | |
Robert and Susan Simons, Jr | |
Theresa Skaine | |
Barbara and Edward Smith | |
Bethany Smith | |
Merline and Anel Smith | |
Bruce Sowalski | |
Scott and Krista St George | |
Julie Staubach | |
James Stone | |
Margaret Story | |
Michael Strycharz | |
John and Nola Tauriello | |
Linda Thorburn | |
John Toolan | |
Virginia Touhey & Kathleen Simmons | |
Heather Turner | |
Mary Rose Valek | |
Kimberly Van Warner | |
Johanna Vanderhoeven | |
Jen and Jules Venduro | |
Lisa Villeneuve | |
Beth Walsh & Chris Maier | |
Weisberg Family | |
Martha and Donald Wilmot | |
Ruth Yorker | |
Cathy Yudzevich | |
Theresa Zema |