Donors and Sponsors



Nick & Lee Auto Body Repair Inc.Guy and Joanne Alonge
Accu Care Home Health Services Inc.Corrine Archambeault
Airosmith DevelopmentDouglass and Janet Bailey
Albany & Troy Lions ClubAlicia Baker
Albany's Golden Cue Billiard Lounge & Sports PubJohn & Paulette Baniak
AmazonSmile FoundationMonice Barbero
Ambient Environmental IncMichael Barrett & Ruth Walters
American Clothing Recycling Co., Inc.Elizabeth Bartley
Barber's FarmPatricia Bayly
Barclay DamonK Beattie
Barrett AssociatesMark Bisaillon
Bartel Communications Inc.Larry Blankenberger
Bella NapoliBonny Boice
Best CleanersLouis Bonelli
Big 5 School DistrictsDavid and Joanne Bonesteel
Book House of AlbanyJ. Michael Boxley
Brown & Weinraub PLLCJane Brennan
BST & Co., CPAs, LLPDeirdre Brodie
Callanan Industries, IncM Tracey Brooks
CAP COM Cares FoundationMichele Brumsey
Cap Com Federal Credit UnionThomas and Donna Buckley
Capital District Insurance Community, Inc.Robert Bruno
Capital Financial Planning LLCKathleen Caggiano-Siino
Carol's PlaceNancy Cardish
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of AlbanyMary Beth Carman
CDPHPKaren Carpenter-Palumbo
Center for SolutionsMadelyn Carroll
CFO for Hire, LLCCorey and Valerie Catlin
Clement Frame Shop and Art GalleryCarla Chiaro
Coca-Cola RefreshmentsChristine and Douglas Childrose
Colonie CenterMelissa and Brian Clement
Colonie Women's ClubJames Cobbins
Crisafulli BrothersAdriel and Justine Colon
D. Brickman ProduceLauren Conway
Doane Stuart Joseph and Elizabeth Crandall
Dunkin DonutsNancy Davis
Dzembo's DairyChristina Dell
E. EnterprisesFrank Dembo
Energy Partner ConsultantsDonna Demers O'Connell
Enterprise Fleet ManagementDeborah Demers
Evangelical Lutheran ChurchPatti DeVito
Evangelical Lutheran Church Ladies Aid SocietyChristine and Dary Di Maio
Farnsworth Middle SchoolLaura Dillon
Fidelity Charitable GiftFundChris DiNapoli
Finch Paper LLCLindsey Donovan
G. Willikers Toys and GamesRobin Doptis
Grethen Cahrenger MemorialsMaria Dunning
GTM Payroll Services IncDarren Durr
HannafordLori Eason
Hannaford Distribution CenterCandace and David Ellis
Hannaford Helps Schools ProgramCraig and Phyllis Eustace
Hannaford SupermarketsWilliam Fagan
Hoffman Car Wash Jiffy LubeRobert Falk
Hope House, IncJames Faranda
Insurance Industry Charitable FoundationDavid and Diane Fazioli
John Ray & SonsJohn and Carol Ferlazzo
Joseph P. Mangione, IncMadeline Fiorino
June's Beauty Salon, LLCLori and Mark Foradori
Kinderhook BankLillian Foss
Knit KnutsAlbert Freihofer
La Salle InstituteElizabeth Gable
LaBella's Pizza and RestaurantMary Gaylord
Lakeview Inn on Crystal Lake, Inc.Sue and Glenn Godell
LaSalle SchoolBecki Gould
Long EnergyChristopher Greagan
Make It Out ApparelKevin Greene
Marvin and Company PCPatricia Hinkle
Massry Charitable Foundation Inc EndowmentZhiying Hou
Mohawk HondaKirk Huang
Morgan StanleyLiya Huang
New York Football GiantsHolly Hughes
New York JetsPatrick Hughes
Noppers CollisionFlorence and David Hunn
North Greenbush Memorial Post #1489Robert Hunn
North Greenbush Youth Make a Difference IncMichael & Brenda Iwaneczko
Northeast Health FoundationMatthew Jachym
Nothing Bundt CakesJoanne Jenkins
Omni Development Company, IncH.S. and Marilyn Kaltenborn, Jr
OrgStaffing Solutions LLCVirginia Kane-Calvert
PayPal Giving FundGarry and Josephine Kearns 
Philly and Charlie Dake Fund of the Cornell University FoundationJohn Keeler
Pinnacle Human Resources LLCGeorgia Kelly
Pioneer BankDebbie Kiska
Price Chopper Market 32William and Audrey Koester
Price Chopper's Golub FoundationDebbie Lajeunesse
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals IncEleanor LaViolette
Renaissance Corporation of AlbanyDebbie Leapold
Rensselear County Regional Chamber of CommerceMeeli Leith
Repeat Business SystemsPeter Libertucci
Rifenburg Construction, IncKeith and Andrea Lints
Rivers Asset RecoveryMary Lou Longley
Robert HalfJill Sandhaas and Ed Lurie
Rose & Kiernan, IncJudith and Robert MacChesney
Sano RubinPaul and Karen Macielak
Saratoga Restaurant Equipment SalesPatrick Madden
Schodack ExcavatingLinda Madsen
SEFCUTracy Madsen
Shield Maidens Riding ClubBeth Manchester
Spiral DesignsDiana Manfred
St. Jude the Apostle Rosary & Altar SocietyLinda & Gordon Mappes
Sterling Environmental Engineering PCSandy Mardigian
Stewart's ShopsDiane Martin
SWM EnterprisesCharles Mason
Sysco AlbanyGeorge and Ann McAvoy
TaconicStan & Doran McDannold
Tangora TechnologiesKevin McGrath
The Connors Agency, LLCSharon McKittrick-Fink
The Junior League of TroyMary Ellen McLean
The Louis Weinberg Foundation, Inc.Sydney Melsom
The M&T Charitable FoundationPeter and Tami Miller
The National Baseball Hall of Fame and MuseumOsvanna and Mihran Mooradian
The Robison Family FoundationMary Lou Morigerato
The Silver ParrotDr. John Morley
TL Metzger & Associates LLCKelly Mullen
Together We RiseMelinda Myers-Kellegher
Uncle Sam LanesLisa Nappi
Ungerman Electric IncLeslie Neira
Warren W Fane IncBenita and Stephen Oliver
Wiley A. Wiley Land SurveyorMary Ellen Pace
Wilmington TrustStephanie Pelletier
Wm. J. Fagan & SonsT Pentak
Yonder FarmsAmbrose and Robin Peters
Zachary's Pastry ShoppeElaine Phelan
Zema's NurserySamantha Phillips
 Erica Pickhardt
 John and Catherine Piombino
 Debra Ann Pollard
 Judy Powers
 Jennifer Price
 Maura Psoinos
 Dale and Craig Raisig
 Nancy Rider
 Randy and Sharon Rivet
 Robert Rosencrans
 Trish Rost
 Patrick and Amy Russo
 Theresa Russo
 John Ryan
 Mary Frances Sabo
 Jennifer and Brian Sampson
 William and Betty Schreiner
 Lily Seney
 Toros Shamlian
 William Shannon
 Daniel and Anastasia Simmons
 Robert and Susan Simons, Jr
 Theresa Skaine
 Barbara and Edward Smith
 Bethany Smith
 Merline and Anel Smith
 Bruce Sowalski
 Scott and Krista St George
 Julie Staubach
 James Stone
 Margaret Story
 Michael Strycharz
 John and Nola Tauriello
 Linda Thorburn
 John Toolan
 Virginia Touhey & Kathleen Simmons
 Heather Turner
 Mary Rose Valek
 Kimberly Van Warner
 Johanna Vanderhoeven
 Jen and Jules Venduro
 Lisa Villeneuve
 Beth Walsh & Chris Maier
 Weisberg Family
 Martha and Donald Wilmot
 Ruth Yorker
 Cathy Yudzevich
 Theresa Zema






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